伯益 (백익, Bó Yì)


伯益(Bó Yì)

우임금의 신하. 고요(皐陶)의 후손. 우의 치수를 도왔다.

白居易 (BAI Juyi, 772~846)

Bai Juyi (白居易, 772~846)

Bai Juyi (Chinese: 白居易; 772–846), or Bo Juyi (Wade–Giles: Po Chü-i) was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. Many of his poems concern his career or observations made as a government official, including as governor of three different provinces. Bai Juyi was also renowned in Japan. Burton Watson says of Bai Juyi: "he worked to develop a style that was simple and easy to understand, and posterity has requited his efforts by making him one of the most well-loved and widely read of all Chinese poets, both in his native land and in the other countries of the East that participate in the appreciation of Chinese culture. He is also, thanks to the translations and biographical studies by Arthur Waley, one of the most accessible to English readers".


Famous poems

Two of his most famous works are the long narrative poems "Song of Everlasting Regret", which tells the story of Yang Guifei, and "The Song of the Pipa Player". Like Du Fu, he had a strong sense of social responsibility and is well known for his satirical poems, such as The Elderly Charcoal Seller.

Bai Juyi also wrote intensely romantic poems to fellow officials with whom he studied and traveled. These speak of sharing wine, sleeping together, and viewing the moon and mountains. One friend, Yu Shunzhi, sent Bai a bolt of cloth as a gift from a far-off posting, and Bai Juyi debated on how best to use the precious material:

About to cut it to make a mattress,
pitying the breaking of the leaves;
about to cut it to make a bag,
pitying the dividing of the flowers.
It is better to sew it,
making a coverlet of joined delight;
I think of you as if I'm with you,
day or night.

Bai's works were also highly renowned in Japan, and many of his poems were quoted and referenced in The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu.


錢唐湖春行 (A Visit to Qiantang Lake) 白居易 (BAI Juyi)

백거이 (白居易, 772~846)

白居易 (백거이, Bái Jūyì, 772~846)

백거이 (白居易, 772~846)

異名: 호 취음선생(醉吟先生) ·향산거사(香山居士), 자 낙천(樂天)
국적: 당(唐)
활동분야: 문학
출생지: 중국 뤄양[洛陽] 부근 신정[新鄭]
주요저서: 장한가(長恨歌), 비파행(琵琶行) (816)

중국 중당 기(中唐期)의 시인. 작품 구성은 논리의 필연에 따르며, 주제는 보편적이어서 ‘유려 평이(流麗平易)’한 문학의 폭을 넓혀 당(唐) 일대(一代)를 통하여 두드러진 개성을 형성했다. 주요 저서에는《장한가(長恨歌)》,《비파행(琵琶行)》등이 있다.

Bai Juyi, a Tang Dynasty poet

班婕妤 (반첩여, Bān Jiéyú)


異名: 班婕妤, Bān Jié yú

班固 (Ban Gu, 32-92)

Ban Gu (班固, 32-92)

Ban Gu (Chinese: 班固; Wade–Giles: Pan Ku; AD 32–92), courtesy name Mengjian (孟堅), was a 1st-century Chinese historian and poet best known for his part in compiling the Book of Han. He also wrote a number of fu, a major literary form, part prose and part poetry, which is particularly associated with the Han era. A number of Ban's fu are anthologized by Xiao Tong in the Wen Xuan.

Quotes·Quotations from Book of Han (漢書) by Ban Gu (班固)


¶ 酒百藥之長
The wine is the best of all medicines.


班固 (반고, Bān Gù, 32~92)

班固(반고, 32~92)

班固(BānGù), 자 맹견(孟堅)

국적: 중국 후한(後漢)
출생지: 중국 산시성 셴양[咸陽]
주요저서: 《한서(漢書)》 등
주요작품: 《양도부(兩都賦)》 등

중국 후한 초기의 역사가. 표(彪)의 아들, 서역도호 초(超)의 형이다.《한서》 편집 중, 국사를 개작한다는 중상모략으로 투옥되기도 하였으나, 20여 년에 걸려 완성하였다.《백호통의》를 편집하였다.